Love them but from a Safe Distance!

Someone recently asked me “How do I unlove a person” and my first reaction was how can you even think of that, it's a myth. When you invest your energy or time on someone, you leave a part of you with them, forever! My close friend is struggling to leave a relationship in which she has invested 9 years of her life. She is highly attached to him and cannot let go of him at any cost because she thinks of her invested time, energy and emotions which were completely in loss. She knew for years that she wouldn't be happy with him but planning to marry him real soon because she accepted her suffering. When I talk to her, I completely understand where she is coming from, people pass judgements and suggestions but she feels helpless due to many psychological factors. No one is here to blame, not even the guy but the SELF. There are instances in life where you do accept or normalise certain circumstances of life which are toxic for any healthy human being. Both of them are not happy,...